Series of 10cm*10cm social media frame
What’s the texture of social media to you?
Have you ever think what’s the texture of social media is like? How to you related your life in social media?
In the project “What’s the texture of social media to you”, the installation is made out of a series of physical instagram profiles about the overconsumption of social media. By asking Generation-Z of “What’s the texture of social media to you?” I materialize the feelings of young people towards social media by using wax, plastic, paper, reflective board, clay etc. Instead of posing photos in a digital space, I want to make the connection by consuming our social interaction and feelings in a physical space. Combining the symbolized waste material with the video of people’s life, my project reveals people’s unspoken feelings related to the waste material and the way they see the platform while still casting it as a personal brand.
Reconstruction of digital and physical space
Concept map:
Process of making:
Reflective board
Q: “What’s the texture of social media to you?”
A: Wax-Scent of scented candles
The new taste (platform) will be very strange when it is ignited. After slowly filling the entire space, you will live in this atmosphere, and it will become a part of your life, everywhere, but you can’t realize.
After a long time of using it, you won’t feel. Even if you are addicted to it, you will not know it. But if it doesn’t smell anymore, your nose will find. It just feels that the moments that are not so aggressive are occupying life, it’s like a frog boiled in warm water.
Permeable, everywhere.
Q: “What’s the texture of social media to you?”
A: Plastic
Social media give me a plastic feelings, it have both soft and hard material. And plastic has always been used as a packaging, and I think it’s a shell for me. Everyone on the social media platform have sort of filter feeling which they always make sure they present the best part of themselves. But lots of the filter are overpackaged, it’s not real or it’s different in the real world.
Everyone on social media are packaged, not so true to themselves.
Q: “What’s the texture of social media to you?”
A: Reflective board
I always consider social media as a platform for people to show their life. I’m not really into social media or I can say I’m not interested in posting every detail of my life or my personality online. But I do follow my friends and can see their life on social media.
I feel the social media is the reflective board have some kind of shinny material. It’s beautiful and reflects the best part of people’s life. I can see myself in the shinny material, but with a little bit distortion.
Q: “What’s the texture of social media to you?”
A: Clay
Social media generally feels brand new first hand, and it falls off and turns to an outdated trend. Social media somehow becomes a platform that everyone heavily relies on in the current society, however; it barely serves as a platform since things vary and get out of control.
People trend to think of it as a mask behind which they can hide. The way we use social media is similar to the way we make clay: the initial expectation does not guarantee the exact outcome every single time.
Special thanks to Gen-Z participants =)