Unknown Species

Water is essential in our life. However, living in the crowded New York City, we have a unique element melted in our city view, the water tower. Once we notice it, it shows up everywhere. So why has it become common in the city? What is it made of? How does it work?

Moreover, why should we care? Thousands of water tanks on the top of buildings play a crucial role for lots of households, using water every day, from cleaning to using. However, the lack of cleaning inspection of water towers became a potential issue for us, which might directly threaten our health and more. The final installation was a group project with Clair Chen, we explores an extreme scenario in which unknown creatures form in these unsanitary water tanks.

Uncertain biological growth


Uncertain bird’s mutation


Research Starting point: United Nation Sustainable Development Goal


6.Clean water and sanitation

Water pollution cycle

Water is closely related to people's lives and everyone cannot live without it. The quality of water directly affects people's health. Many people are not aware of these problems, or they don't want to. Some water quality problems can be seen through the most basic home faucet. Although the country has been investing funds to improve water pipelines, there are still many places where pipelines are out of repair, resulting in bacteria, algae, benzene, volatile phenols and rust in the water pipes. The problem of excessive sediment content. Analyze some simple water quality problems that you may be encountering by analyzing different color residues.


Personal interpretation and experience in water pollution


Water pollution floor plan: where the bacteria hides

Humans have established communities and flourished around sources of clean, drinkable water since the beginning of time. It's vital to our survival. However, freshwater sources around the world are threatened by water pollution. Not only are we managing our resources poorly through wastage, we are also thoughtlessly dirtying it. Our groundwater is being polluted with various pesticides and chemicals. In an average US city, tap water contains over 500 different chemicals. Almost everything that is a byproduct of our civilization is polluting our drinking water. When our groundwater is polluted, we are therefore polluting many aspects of our everyday lives.

Water stain meaning


Critical question raised:

What if we can use polluted water and turn it into new energy?

What if we can take the advantage of natural to transport the energy?(For those country who have energy scarcity problem)

What if we use more sustainable ocean energy to replace those unsuitable one? In what way our environment will be better?


Research about New York City water tank

Insight from research

Concept draft

Process of making


Exhibition photo


SELF-BUILD MASK|Installation
